Advantages and Disadvantages of Python.

Henry Farad
2 min readApr 16, 2021

Everyone knows Python nowadays, if you are a programmer, then you’ve heard of it. In this article, I will quickly go over some advantages and disadvantages it has.

Easy to learn and Read: Python has simple syntax that doesn’t require much practice to understand ==> print(“Hello”), that’s a print in Python!!. Unlike other languages that could be tough.

Offers a vast arrays of libraries: Python has a unique set of libraries that could make someone’s life 100x easier, notable libraries are NumPy, Tensorflow, Pandas and OpenCV.

Great Community: Python has a huge community that could help you learn and understand the language much quicker, there are so many videos on Youtube, including my own which I will start posting later on My Channel. Also communities on Github and Stack overflow.

Speed: That’s usually the number 1 issue with python, it takes time to run, the difference will be noticed when you write bigger and bigger scripts. This leads to the next disadvantage

Memory consumption: This is one the biggest reasons why Python is slow, it consumes a lot of memory because it’s an interpreted language not a complied one. I will leave an article I found about the difference between complied and interpreted down here. Article

